Each week at the completion of service, the message portion of the Revive talk is uploaded as a podcast. The talk includes the bumper video and clips used through out, and all audio up until the band starts the worship music again. Garageband has been used in the past to edit, audacity would be a good program as well. 

  1. Download audio file from SD card onto computer
  2. Edit Audio from beginning of talk (including bumper video and clips used during talk) to the end of talk where the worship band starts to sing again.
    1. Helpful to fadeout audience mics for videos (gives clear audio for podcast)
  3. Export file to prepare for upload to Haivision
  4. Use Firefox or Chrome to go to URL: Cloud.haivision.com
    1. Login: production@hopewdm.org
    2. password: Ihwtd01! 
  5. In the lower left hand side you’ll see an upload button.

  6. Once you have selected Upload, browse or drag and drop file.
  7. Select the square in the right side of the menu, below the drop down box, that says default location.
  8. Click iTunes Audio Podcast, then click upload.
  9.  When the media object you selected is selected, on the right you’ll see a list of fields (attributes). 

                    Title: Name of Sermon – Author/Preacher | for 6/21/18: Anchored: Anchored Through Failure (Where is God in My Failure?) - Chris Petrick

                    Categories: Anchored

                    Workflow Labels: These are for automation This field must say “Revive Podcast”

                    Keywords: Anchored, Through, Failure, Where, is, God, in, My, Chris, Petrick       

  10. Once file is uploaded, Podcast should show up on iTunes with in a couple of hours.