Recent version of macOS make it more difficult to install printing utilities; this is a guide to install PrinterCloud, which Hope uses to manage printing. Your local computer user will need administrative access on the Mac.

First, you will need a link from IT and approval to download the installer file.

  1. Put the file IT linked you to on your Desktop.
  2. Open Spotlight, search for Terminal, and open Terminal
  3. Type "bash" and press [return]; make sure the prompt then says "bash" before the $
  4. Type "cd Desktop" and press [return]
  5. Type "ls print*" and press [return]
  6. Click the "OK" button when/if prompted to allow Terminal to access your files
  7. Confirm that in the list of files, there is an item that starts with "printercloud-hope_" and ends with ".command". (The two most common file names are "printercloud-hope_guest.command" and "printercloud-hope_staff.command"). Make note of this file name! You will need it for the next two steps.
  8. Type "chmod +x ./[filename]" as shown, then press [return]; make sure you're typing the same filename you found in step 7.
  9. Type "./[filename]" as shown, then press [return]; make sure you're typing the same filename you found in step 7.
  10. Type in the local computer user's password when prompted; press [return]. (Note: you will not see indication the password is being typed, not even stars or dots.)
  11. Wait a bit; this is the part where PrinterCloud downloads and installs itself. You should see some progress indicators.
  12. When it's done, it should return you to the "bash" prompt as before, which ends with a $
  13. Done!