Occasionally we get tickets about New MP freezing or hanging or locking up. Since a clear cache seems to fix it, I have been looking into what is cached by MP locally.

There is a local storage key value lookup table. This table has things like:

These keep track of user preferences for a page / view.  My assumption is that when we get a freeze situation one of these values is no longer valid.

Since clearing the values temporarily fixes the issue what I'm hoping to do is identify which specific value is failing.

The manual way of doing this is pulling up developer tools in the browser:

Chrome / Edge > 3 dots > More tools > Developer tools
Application > Storage > Local Storage >  https://my.lutheranchurchofhope.org

Firefox > 3 lines > More tools > Web Developer Tools
Storage > Local Storage > https://my.lutheranchurchofhope.org

Identify the page that isn't loading by the number after the mp/:
https://my.lutheranchurchofhope.org/mp/[pageID]-[viewID] - (has a dash)
https://my.lutheranchurchofhope.org/mp/[pageID].[selectionID] - (has a dot)

Identify keys in local storage for that page number and page / view combination.

One by one
- Copy the key and value to notepad
- delete the key
- refresh the page
- see if it loads without the key

If the page loads without the key, we have a suspect to send to MP for troubleshooting.