1. First, it's good to make sure all updates are installed; see here.
  2. Next, let's get signed into OneDrive so everything can be syncing; see here.
    1. Open your OneDrive folder
    2. right-click in the white space
    3. click "Always keep on this device"
    4. right-click in the white space again, and you should see a checkmark next to "Always keep on this device", like this:
  3. Login to Outlook -
    1. click the "start' button
    2. type "outlook"
    3. click the resulting Outlook item that shows up
    4. sign-in when prompted
    5. Note: after signing in with a single click on a welcome banner, you will likely have a pop-up with a username, password, and a "remember" or "don't ask me again" checkbox. Use your [email protected] (not your email address) to sign in here, making sure the checkbox has a checkmark.
  4. Make frequently-used apps easily accessible:
    1. While Outlook is open, right-click it down at the bottom
    2. click "Pin to taskbar"
    3. use the Start menu to find other frequently-used apps (Firefox, Chrome, etc) and pin them to the taskbar, also
  5. Show all icons in system tray
    1. Find the icons in the lower-right of your screen (system tray). If you see an up-arrow, right-click in the black space just to the left of the system tray.
    2. Select "Taskbar settings"
    3. Scroll down to "Notification area", and click "Select which icons appear on the taskbar"
    4. Click the slider for "Always show all icons in the notification area" to the "On" position
    5. done!
  6. Set default apps:
    1. open the start menu and type "default"
    2. click the "Default Apps" item
    3. under "Email", make sure "Outlook" is selected
    4. under "Music player", make sure "VLC media player" is selected
    5. under "Video player", make sure "VLC media player" is selected
    6. under "Web browser", make sure "Google Chrome" is selected (or "Firefox", if you prefer)
    7. click "Set defaults by app"
    8. click "Adobe Acrobat Reader DC"
    9. click "Manage"
    10. for ".pdf", make sure "Adobe Acrobat Reader DC" is selected